Sankar Monastery

Coming back with The travel of searching for the Best Monasteries in Leh Ladakh. We like to continue our journey on #LehLadakhMonasteries..

So, here we will talk about Sankar Monastery.

Sankar Monastery Will Be classy For You.. Because We Love Freedom

Set among the crowds of trees and beautiful hills is Sankar Monastery, this monastery is highly modern.

The beauty is truly modern of this monastery in the Lee of Khardung La, at the height of 5,359 Meters between Shyok & Nubra valley.

A View of Sankar Monastery

You can visit this Monastery in Morning & evening only & some of the monks living there.
This Monastery was built when a Monk visited during 16th Century..

We will back with more awesome Monastery Knowledge and

Stay tuned on for more..

Stay Motivated.. Stay adventurous

Cause we Love Freedom






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